Theoretical-methodological bases of violence approach
Lines of thought; the incorporation of violence in health; explaining and overcoming violence.
Analysis of the situation of violence
Research methods, epidemiological designs, production and analysis of the data on violence.
Descriptive and exploratory statistics. Probabilities. Distribution models. Sampling. Statistical inference.
Adolescence, Family, Violence and Territory – Methodological and Clinical Approach
Reflection on the clinical practice of psychoanalysis for adolescents and families.
Integral Care for Women’s Health in Situations of Violence
Explanatory theories; Approach strategies; providing care to women in situation of violence.
Providing care to Victims and Aggressors
Promotion and Guarantee of Human Rights in the face of rights violation.
Theoretical-Methodological Bases and Care Practices toward Women in a Situation of Violence
Explanatory theories; planning; cares; networks; practical attention activities.
Epidemiology Concepts and Applications
Basic concepts of epidemiology. Critical analysis of the epidemiological and demographic transition. Research designs.
Health Data: Accessing and Handling Datasus, Tabwin, and Dbase Iii + Files.
Accessing and handling available health data in DataSUS
Scientific Evidence
Fundamentals of Biostatistics and Epidemiology. Systematic review. Meta-analysis.
Introduction to Spss – Statistical Package For Social Sciences
Developing and handling databases using the SPSS platform.
Introduction to Qualitative Research
Essential aspects and bases of qualitative research.
Mobilization and Social Participation in the Prevention of Violence
Collective action, community, social control, social capital, collective effectiveness. Organization, community participation and social mobilization.
Public Security Policy and Prevention of Crime and Violence
Urban violence and public crime control policies
Policies Elaborated by Evidence
Concept, development and practical application of evidence in policy formulation
Health and Peace Promotion and Violence Prevention I
Sociability, citizenship, and human rights as violence control.
Health and Peace Promotion and Violence Prevention I
The development of the Individual and the prevention of violence
Production – Consumption – Environment – Health – Disease
The social dimension of work and its modern-day configuration
Resilience and Socio-Affective Health
Resilience in Psychology
Accountability and Control
Acts of violence prevention, and accountability and control developed by the courts
Child and Adolescent Health
Child, Adolescents, Risks, Healthcare
Health and Environment
Historical-conceptual approach to the relationship between state, environment and health
Special Topics in the Children and Adolescents Health
Topics and Modules – current topics.