Acesso interno

Saúde do Adulto

Lines of Research

  • Hemostasis disturbances and thrombosis
  • Chronic-degenerative diseases and neurological and psychiatric disorders
  • Epidemiology, diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment of heart diseases
  • Epidemiology, diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment of endocrinopathies
  • Healthcare management
  • Regulatory mechanisms and mediators of the systemic inflammatory response
  • Mycobacteria and dermatoses of social interest
  • Morphofunctional disorders of the digestive tract
  • Helicobacter pylori and neuroendocrine pathology of the digestive tract
  • Disease mechanisms and hepatobiliary disorders treatment
  • Urgency and emergency

Subject names and descriptions (OB: core; OP: optional; C: credits):

CLM855–Ethics Applied to Health Research / OB-02 C

Ethical aspects, guidelines, and standards related to health research. Ethical evaluation of research projects.

CLM850-Research Seminars / OP-03 C

Scientific research methodology: choosing the problem to be investigated; preparing the research project; outlining and writing the paper. Discussing individual research projects.

CLM870-Teaching Internship / OB (Doctorate) -04 C

Higher education teaching; skills, content and competences; theory/practice relationship and systematization of teaching elements.

CLM871-Critical Analysis of Theses and Dissertations / OP-03 C

Critical analysis of theses and dissertations presented at UFMG.

CLM873-Special Topics in Adult Health Care / OP-04 C


CLM876-Clinical research study design / OP-03 C

Observational and experimental studies; Studies on diagnostic tests.

CLM877-Writing Scientific Papers: from Theory to Practice / OP-02 C

Writing a scientific article for submission to journals in line with scientific publication guidelines.

ICB813-Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology / OP-04 C

Interpretation and analysis of functional cognitive evaluation data and understanding of process mechanisms related to clinical studies in cognitive and behavioral neurology.

FAE914-Didactics of Higher Education / OP-04 C

Main pedagogical doctrines and the rethinking of didactics and teaching practice in the context of higher education. University pedagogy: teaching and its relations (content/form, teacher/student, research/teaching/society, teaching techniques/technological innovations). Planning and assessment of teaching: innovative projects of educational practices.

MED822-Translational Medicine: Integrating Basic and Clinical Science / OP-04 C

Translational contextual analysis and criticism (integration of basic and clinical science) and its impact on clinical practice.

PRO810-Molecular Techniques Applied to the Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases / OP-02 C

Basic principles of molecular diagnosis of infectious diseases and practical training.

PRO811-Special Techniques of Clinical Experimentation / OP-03 C

Understanding the principles and the use of experimental methodologies in clinical studies.

CLM853-Medical Informatics / OP-02 C

Assistance to the researcher regarding the use of information technology in research, emphasizing the use of the main scientific software.

CLM859-Design and Assessment of Diagnostic Tests Performance / OP-03 C

Clinical diagnosis: strategies, obtaining and approaching data. Diagnostic tests: strategies, designing, performance determination, and utility analysis. Decision analysis.

EST814-Biostatistics Principles / OP-04 C

Descriptive statistics. Elements of probability. Statistical inference. Classical statistical tests: χ2, t-test, simple linear regression, correlation, and analysis of variance.

EST815-Advanced Statistical Methods in Epidemiology / OP-05 C

Relative risk. Intercurrent variables: Mantel Haenszel estimator, logistic regression. Survival analysis: Cox proportional hazards model.

MPS806-Epidemiology Principles / OP-05 C

Basic concepts; Epidemics investigation; Descriptive studies of mortality and morbidity; Analytical studies. Inference in epidemiology.

MPS833-Advanced Guidelines for Epidemiological Studies I / OP-04 C

Definition and selection of cases/controls, sampling, sources of bias, and analysis techniques for paired and unpaired studies.

MPS834-Advanced Guidelines for Epidemiological Studies II / OP-04 C

Definition of exposure and event (death/disease), sampling, bias sources, and analysis techniques.

MPS835-Advanced Guidelines for Epidemiological Studies III / OP-04 C

Ethical aspects in conducting experiments. Sampling, randomization, and masking. Definition of the event (death/disease); bias sources, and analysis techniques.

PED 818-Clinical Epidemiology / OP-03C

Discussion and application of the epidemiological method in research and medical practice.

PED 819-Methodology and Informatics in Medical Research / OP-03 C

Assistance to the researcher during all work stages. Theoretical discussions.