Acesso interno




1- Nature, Purpose and Objectives:

1.1- The Women’s Health Postgraduate Program, Medical School, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), with two areas of concentration:“Human Reproduction Sciences and Gynecological and Breast Pathology” and “Perinatology”, consists of the cycle of regular studies following the undergraduate course, and will work at Master’s degree and Doctoral degree.

1.1.1- The Master’s degree aims to enable the professional in the teaching activity for higher education.It culminates in the presentation of Dissertation or equivalent work where the student should demonstrate ability to systematize and master the subject, as well as the methodology used.

1.1.2- The main objective of the Doctoral degree is the development of the ability to conduct original and independent research.It involves the mandatory preparation of a thesis resulting from an appropriate bibliographic review, systematizing the existing information, and planning and carrying out original work, offering a contribution to the area.

1.2- The Program has as a principle the curricular flexibility, aiming to meet the objectives of teacher education (master’s degree) and researcher (doctoral degree), allowing the acquisition of knowledges in the proposed qualifications, as well as allowing greater adaptation to individual study plans.

1.2.1- Its institutional regulations are: applicable federal law; institutional regulations of the UFMG (General Rules and Statutes); Supplementary Resolution no. 01/93, of the UFMG Teaching, Research and Extension Council; the general standards of Postgraduate education approved in October 2009; and this regulation.

1.3- The specific objectives of the Program are:

  1. a) Provide the development and execution of research projects;
  2. b) Promote the dissemination of research results in conferences, technical and scientific meetings, national or international journals or in other ways;
  3. c) Encourage students to work in teams, encouraging decision-making and development of scientific criticism;
  4. d) Train scientifically adequate staff to exercise the professional teaching and research activities;

2 – Program’s coordination and teaching staff

2.1 – The Board

2.1.1- The educacional coordination of the Master’s and Doctoral Program will be carried out by the Board chaired by a coordinator and constituted by:

  1. a) 04 (four) full professors and their substitutes, holders of Doctorate degree or equivalent degree elected from professors who carry out ongoing activities in the Program;
  2. b) 01 student representative chosen by their peers, from students enrolled in the Program, according to Article 172 of the General Rules of the UFMG;

2.1.2- The faculty members’ term will be 02 years, with the possibility of renewal.

  1. a) The student representative’s term will be one year, with the possibility of renewal.


2.1.3 The election of Board members, in order to renew their representation shall be convened by the Director of the Medical School until 30 days before the expiration of the periods to win.

2.1.4- The duties of the Program Board:

  1. a) Elect the coordinator and sub-coordinator from the faculty members, by absolute majority;
  2. b) Direct and coordinate the activities of the Program, recommending the appointment or replacement of teachers to the Departments;
  3. c) Prepare the Program curriculum, with indication of the prerequisites and credits of the subjects that compose it, for approval by the Postgraduate Council;
  4. d) Propose the creation, transformation, exclusion and extinction of Program subjects to the Postgraduate Council;
  5. e) Establish guidelines for the syllabus and recommend their modification to the Departments;
  6. f) Approve, through the review of “résumés”, the names of the professors who will be part of the faculty of the course, as well as the advisors and co-advisors if any;
  7. g) Appreciate directly, or by the special commission, the work projects aiming at the preparation of thesis or dissertation;
  8. h) Decide issues related to enrollment and re-enrollment, change of major and exempt from subjects, transfer and reuse of credits, total or partial enrolment suspension; as well as representations and appeals filed;
  9. i) Represent the competent body in the case of disciplinary offenses;
  10. j) Determine the admission of professors to the Program and evaluate the permanence of professors in the program.Each year an evaluation will be carried out, and the intellectual production of a professor of the Capes program for the large area of health will be used as a criterion.The professor shall present a research project under his/her coordination and at least one official co-advisory completed.
  11. k) Establish criteria for filling vacancies in isolated subjects;
  12. l) Establish criteria for the allocation of scholarships and follow-up of scholars’ work;
  13. m) Perform budget planning of the Program and establish criteria for the allocation of resources;
  14. n) Appoint examination committee to evaluate Master’s dissertation and Doctoral thesis;
  15. o) Monitor the course activities in the Departments or in other sectors involved;
  16. p) Submit any changes made to this regulation to the approval of the Postgraduate Council;
  17. q) Submit annually the number of vacancies to be filled to the approval of the Postgraduate Council;
  18. r) Establish procedures that provide the student with effective academic advising;
  19. s) Approve the offer of subjects of the Program;
  20. t) Evaluate and approve the participation of students in the Postgraduate Monitoring program, considering the provisions of the relevant resolution of the Teaching, Research and Extension Council;
  21. u) Meet ordinarily, in accordance with the provisions of the regulation;


2.1.5- The Board will meet during the academic period to evaluate the progress of the research projects and subjects taught and to perform its teaching and administrative prerogatives in the Program.The Board will meet extraordinarily whenever called by the Program Coordinator or at the request of at least 1/3 of its members.

2.1.6- The Board meetings will work with the presence of the majority of its members.

2.1.7- The Board’s decisions shall be taken by simple majority of its members present at the meeting.

  1. a) The coordinator, in addition to the regular vote, will have the casting vote in the event of a tie;

2.2 – Coordinator

2.2.1 The Program coordinator and sub-coordinator’s term will be 02 years, with the possibility of renewal.

2.2.2- The Coordinator is responsible for:

  1. a) Convening meetings of the Board, chairing them;
  2. b) Coordinating the implementation of the Postgraduate Program, according to the Board’s deliberations;
  3. c) Offering the Departments some necessary measures for the good progress of the Program;
  4. d) Sending annual report of the activities of the Program and requested information to the Postgraduate Council, according to the instructions of this body;
  5. e) Submit, in advance, the calendar of the main college activities of each year, and other information requested to the DRCA (Department of Registration and Educational Control), in accordance with the instructions of this body;
  6. f) The Program Coordinator shall take all measures concerning the election or the appointment of professors by the Council, up to 30 days before the expiration of the terms;
  7. g) Organize the accreditation renewal process 180 days before the expiration of its validity, sending it to the Postgraduate Council that will decide its subsequent processing.

2.3 – Professors and Advisors

2.3.1- The Program professors shall have the following qualification:

  1. a) PhD or equivalent to the Master’s and Doctorate degrees;
  2. b) Those with full-time work or exclusive dedication will have preference to become a postgraduate program professor;
  3. c) The Program professors should preferably devote more than 30% of their work hours to the Postgraduate Program and should, whenever possible, be advisors, subject coordinators and responsible for lines of research.
  4. d) Retired professor of the Federal University of Minas Gerais can be considered as the previous paragraph, including those with formal qualification, and they will forbidden to act in the coordination of subjects.


2.3.2- Every student admitted to the Program will have, from their admission, the supervision of a professor of the Program, and may be replaced, if this is in the interest of one of the parties.

  1. a) Every student in the preparation phase of the final papers shall have an advisor approved by the Program Board.
  2. b) By proposal of the advisor and in the judgment of the Board, there can be co-advisory or co-tutelage.

2.3.3- The advisor and co-advisor of dissertation or thesis must have the Doctor’s degree or equivalent, dedicate themselves to the research and be approved by the Program Board and by the Postgraduate Council.

  1. a) The newly graduated Doctor will only be able to advise a Doctoral thesis after a 2-year experience of dissertation orientation at the Master’s degree, and the accreditation process should be sent to the Postgraduate Council followed by a “résumé” that shows effective involvement in activities of research.

2.3.4- At the request of the Program Board, and at the discretion of the Postgraduate Council, the non-doctoral professor having high qualification by reason of his/her experience and specialized knowledge, proventhrough a “CV”, can exceptionally be admitted as anadvisor or co-advisor.

2.3.5- The accreditation of the advisor with a doctorate degree or equivalent, will be valid for a period of 03 years, after which it must be renewed, upon proposal of the Program
Board, approved by the Postgraduate Council.

  1. a) In order to renew his/her accreditation, the advisor shall demonstrate scientific productivity developed in the previous period, in terms of published works and orientation of theses, dissertations or final papers, according to criteria defined by Resolution of the Program Board.
  2. b) The accreditation, as an advisor, of professional outside the UFMG, of retired professor of the UFMG and of a non-doctoral professor will be valid for a specific case, and new applications must include an evaluation of the orientation work by the Program Board.

2.3.6- At the discretion of the Postgraduate Council, the researcher or professor not linked to the Program or belonging to other Institution may be admitted as an advisor for a specific project, provided that his/her consent and qualification are proventhrough a “CV”.

2.3.7- The advisor will be able to assist a maximum of 05 students in the preparation phase of Thesis or Dissertation if his/her work hours are 40 hours, and 02 students if his/her work hours are 20 hours weekly.

  1. a) In exceptional cases, this limit may be temporarily exceeded, upon justification of the Program Board approved by the Council.

2.3.8- The advisor is responsible for:

  1. a) Advising the student in the organization and possible changes of his/her study plan, as well as assist him/her in his/her postgraduate education;
  2. b) Assisting the student in the preparation and execution of his/her Thesis, Dissertation or equivalent work project.
  3. c) Offering the Program Board, in agreement with the student, in view of the conveniences of his/her education, a co-advisor(s) belonging to the UFMG staff to assist him/her in the preparation of Thesis, Dissertation or final papers.


  1. d) Subsidizing the course Board regarding the participation of the student in the Postgraduate Monitoring Program;
  2. e) Performing other activities set out in the Course Regulations.

3 – Admission to the course

3.1 – Number of places offered

3.1.1 The number of vacancies at the Master’s and Doctoral degrees will be proposed by the Board to Postgraduate Council, on its own form, until 90 days before the opening of applications,and the notice of competition before the final approval of the subject is not allowed.

3.1.2 To establish the number of vacancies, the Board will consider, among others, the following data:

  1. a) Course advisory capacity, proven through the existence of advisors with time availability, as provided in section 2.3.7.
  2. b) Incoming and outgoing students.
  3. c) Research programs;
  4. d) Facilities capacity;
  5. e) Financial capacity;
  6. f) The number of vacancies will be based on the overall average ratio of at most 5 students per advisor with full accreditation, including the remaining students from previous periods, or from other courses, and excluding students advised by professors with specific accreditation;

3.2 – Program application and admission

3.2.1 At the time of enrolling into the Program, the candidate must submit to the registrar’s office (student services center) the following documents:

  1. a) Application form duly filled in and three 3cm x 4cm photos;
  2. b) Copy of undergraduate certificate;
  3. c) Undergraduate transcript;
  4. d) “CV (résumé)”;
  5. e) Copy of personal documents:Identity Card, Voter’s ID, CPF (individual taxpayer registration)
  6. f) Proof of being up to date with military and electoral obligations, in the case of a Brazilian candidate, if foreign, the obligations required by specific legislation.
  7. g) Dissertation/thesis project approved by an advisor of the Program.

3.2.2- To be admitted as a regular student in the Program, the candidate must meet the following requirements:

  1. a) Have completed an undergraduate course;


  1. b) Be selected as provided for in these regulations;
  2. c) Be able to translate technical or scientific literature in English required for Master’s and Doctoral degree candidates;
  3. d) For direct admission to the Doctoral program, the candidate must satisfy the criterion of paragraph b of Article 5.3.2 of this regulation presented to students of Master’s degree who wish level progression;
  4. e) Verify payment of the scholarship fund or its exemption;
  5. f) Special cases will be decided by the Program Board;

3.2.3 – The Board may establish in the Notice of Competition  other evaluation method (s) not foreseen in the previous sections.

3.2.4 -Criteria for selecting candidates for Master’s and Doctorate courses:

  1. a) Priority for the candidate who can dedicate full time or exclusive dedication to the Program;
  2. b) Analysis of the “CV (résumé)”;
  3. c) Approval of the research project by the program’s advisor;
  4. d) Analysis of the proposed project to be developed during the Program;
  5. e) Interview with the candidate.

3.2.5 At the discretion of the Program Board, applications for the transfer of students from other Postgraduate courses will be accepted. The transferred student must obtain at least one quarter of the total credits required, regardless of the number of credits obtained at the previous Institution. The candidate for transfer to the Program must submit to the registrar’s office (student services center) the following documents:

  1. a) Application form duly filled in and three 3cm x 4cm photos;
  2. b) Copy of undergraduate certificate;
  3. c) Postgraduate transcript, which include the subjects taken, his/her course hours, scores, grades and credits earned;
  4. d) Syllabus that make up the Transcript;
  5. e) “CV (résumé)”;
  6. f) Proof of being up to date with military and electoral obligations, in the case of a Brazilian candidate, if foreign, the obligations required by specific legislation.
  7. g) Copy of personal documents:Identity Card, registration in the Regional Council of Medicine, Voter’s ID, CPF (individual taxpayer registration), etc.

3.2.6- The registrar’s office (student services center) of the Program will send the Department of Registration and Educational Control (DRCA), until 15 days after admission, the identification elements of the accepted candidates.

3.3 – Enrolment


3.3.1-The student admitted to the Program must apply for enrollment in the subjects of his/her interest within the deadline established in the school calendar and with the consent of his/her advisor.

  1. a) The enrolment will be carried out in the registrar’s office of the Program;

3.3.2- The student, with the consent of his/her advisor, may request the Program Board the partial enrolment suspension (in one or more subjects) within the first 1/3 (one third) of the academic period, where the registrar’s office should record the suspension and report it to the Department of Registration and Educational Control (DRCA).

  1. a) Enrolment suspension will be granted only twice in the same subject during the course.
  2. b) The course Board may grant total enrollment suspension, in view of relevant reasons, and the suspension period will not computed for the purpose of completion of the maximum time of the course.

3.3.3- Students failing to renew their enrollment for 2 (two) school periods will be excluded from the Program.

3.3.4-The student may enroll in Undergraduate and Postgraduate subjects that are not part of the curriculum of the Program, considered as an elective subject, with the consent of his/her advisor and approval of the Board of both Programs.

  1. a) Undergraduate elective subjects may not be used to complete the minimum credits of the Program.
  2. b) The registrar’s office providing the elective subject should communicate to the registrar’s office of the Program of Origin the data necessary for the Student’sTranscript.

3.3.5- In the case of elective subjects or curricular subjects taught by Departments of other units, the registrar’s office of the Program will be responsible for taking the necessary measures with those Departments, in order to comply with these general rules of UFMG Postgraduate studies.

3.3.6- Shortly after the beginning of the school year, the registrar’s office of the Program will send  the Department of Registration and Educational Control the following documents:

  1. a) Copy of students’ enrollments;
  2. b) Student registration card, in the case of initial enrollment;


4.1 – Curriculum

4.1.1- The curricular structure of the Program, for Master’s and Doctorate degrees, will be determined by area of concentration and by Related Domain, the first understood as specific field of knowledge, which is study object of the course and the second as complementation of the first, by its related nature, comprising subject(s) deemed to be suitable or necessary to complement the student’s education.

  1. a) The curricular structure will be individualized by the Program Board considering the student’s need (line of research to be followed).


4.1.2- The subjects can be taught in the form of lectures, group discussions, seminars, practical assignments or other educational procedures, including on-the-job training.With the approval of the board, subjects with resources of the Distance Learning (DL) can be taught.

4.1.3- The creation, transformation, exclusion or extinction of subjects must have the consent of the Program Board and Departmental Council, and will be proposed to the Postgraduate Council.

  1. a) If the subject in question is from another Postgraduate course or from another department, the same requirements apply.

4.1.4- During the preparation phase of Thesis, Dissertation or equivalent work, until its judgment, the student, regardless of whether or not he/she is enrolled in curricular subjects, must enroll in “Special Task – Preparation of Final Papers”.

4.1.5- The curricular structure of the course and its subjects’ description accompany this regulation.

4.2 – Credit system

4.2.1 Each subject will have a value expressed in credits, each credit corresponding to 15 hours of theoretical or practical class, or equivalent work, to 30 hours in the case of Tasks or Special Studies, or to a number of hours of training in services set out by the Program Board.

  1. a) Credits for each discipline will only be awarded to the student who gets at least a “D” grade and who attends at least 75% of the activities, without any allowance of absences.
  2. b) Subjects called Special Topics, including the study of specific subjects not included in other subjects of the Program, with the purpose of updating the knowledge in specific area, can be created.
  3. c) Special studies aiming at the complementation of the student, assisting him/her in the theoretical preparation of the topic of dissertation or thesis may be proposed by the advisor, and must be approved by the Board.

4.2.2 At the discretion of the Board, credits can be granted to Special Studies, up to a maximum of 1/6 of the minimum number of credits required by the Program.

4.2.3- Credits obtained outside the UFMG may be used at the discretion of the Program Board, respecting the provisions of section 3.2.4 of this regulation.

4.2.4- No candidate shall be admitted to the defense of a thesis or dissertation before obtaining the credits required for the respective degree and complying with the requirements of this regulation.

4.2.5- The credits obtained in any subject willonly be valid for two and a half years, in the case of Master’s degree, and four years, in the case of Doctorate degree.Once the deadline has expired, the student can, after hearing his/her advisor, have his/her credits revalidated for a fixed period of time, at the discretion of the Program Board.

4.2.6- Up to 05 credits can be awarded to the defense or equivalent work provided they are not included in the minimum number of credits required to obtain the Master’s degree.

4.2.7- The credits obtained when defending the Master’s thesis or equivalent work can, at the discretion of the course Board, be used to complete the minimum credits required to obtain the Doctor’s degree.


4.2.8 – The doctoral student can have his/her Master’s credits revalidated up to a maximum of 18 (eighteen) credits.

4.3 – School Performance

4.3.1- The verification of school performance will be carried out by subjects, covering aspects of attendance and efficiency.

  1. a) Assiduity means the attendance to the corresponding activities of each subject, where the student who does not attend at least 75% of the activities fails, without any allowance of absences.
  2. b) Efficiency means the degree of application of the student in the studies, being the score and grade the summary of the results obtained.

4.3.2- The academic performance of each student will be expressed in grades and scores, according to the following scale:

90 to 100 A (Excellent)

80 to 89 B (Great)

70 to 79 C (Good)

60 to 69 D (Regular)

40 to 59 and (Poor)

0to 39 F (Null Income)

4.3.3- The student who gets grades A, B, C and D will be approved and that who gets E or F will fail.

4.3.4- The student who gets a grade less than D more than once in the same or different subjects will be dismissed from the course.

4.4- Project of Thesis, Dissertation or Equivalent Work.

4.4.1- The project of thesis, dissertation or final papers, after approval by the advisory and approved by the Program Board, should be registered with the registrar’s office.

4.4.2- The project, signed by the student and his/her advisor, should contain the following elements:

title, even if provisional; justification and objectives of the work; literature review; material (patients) and methods provided; phases of the work and schedule of implementation; list of bibliographies consulted; estimate of expenditure, where applicable.

4.5 – Defense of Thesis, Dissertation or Equivalent Work.

4.5.1- The candidate, duly authorized by his/her advisor, shall request the necessary measures to defend the Thesis or Dissertation with the Program Coordinator, sending to the registrar’s office of the Program 05 copies in the case of Dissertation or equivalent work and 10, in the case of Thesis.

  1. a) the scheduling of the thesis defense will be conditioned to the presentation of the acceptance of publication of the final papers.

4.5.2- The dissertation defense will be public and defended before the Examining Committee appointed by the Program Board and constituted by the advisor and at least two other members holding the degree of Doctor or equivalent title, being encouraged the participation of members not belonging to the UFMG;


  1. a) The Examining Committee to defend the Dissertation, Thesis or equivalent work will be chaired by the advisor.

4.5.3- The Thesis will be published and defended before the Examining Committee, appointed by the Program Board and approved by the Postgraduate Council, integrated by the advisor and at least 04 members holding the degree of Doctor or equivalent degree, being at least two examiners outside the UFMG.

  1. a) In the event of co-advisors come to participate in the Examining Committee, these will not be considered for the purpose of completing the minimum number of components provided respectively in sections 4.5.2 and 4.5.3.

4.5.4- The candidate who obtains the unanimous approval of the Examining Committee will be considered approved in the defense of the Thesis, Dissertation or equivalent work, or final papers.

4.5.5- In the case of unsuccessful defense of thesis, dissertation, equivalent work, or final papers, the Program Board may, upon a justified proposal from the Examining Committee, give the candidate the opportunity to present new work within a maximum period of twelve (12) months.


5.1- To obtain a Master’s degree, the student must meet the following requirements, within a minimum of 12 (twelve) months and a maximum of 30 (thirty) months:

  1. a) Complete, in Postgraduate subjects, the minimum number of (18) eighteen credits.
  2. b) Defend successfully the dissertation or equivalent work, in accordance with the Program Regulation.
  3. c) Submit 03 (three) copies of the dissertation or equivalent work to the registrar’s office, with the corrections suggested and approved by the Examining Board.

5.2- To obtain a Doctor’s degree, the student must meet the following requirements, in a minimum of 24 (twenty four) months and a maximum of 48 (forty eight) months:

  1. a) Complete, in Postgraduate subjects, the required number of twenty-three (23) credits.
  2. b) Submit, during the first twelve months of the course, to the qualifying examination that shows the amplitude and depth, as well as its critical capacity; present on the occasion of the thesis defense scheduling a proof of accepted article based on your research in journal indexed in PubMed;
  3. c) Defend successfully your thesis;
  4. d) Submit 03 (three) copies of the Thesis to the registrar’s office, with the corrections suggested and approved by the Examining Board.

5.3- The Program Board, for a reasoned evaluation of the student’s academic performance, can request the final approval for degree transfer, from Master’s to Doctorate, with the Postgraduate Council; in such cases, to count the minimum term of the new degree, the period of time counted from the original enrollment in the Master’s program must be taken into account, and the transfer must be communicated to the PRPG, which should authorize the change of registration in the DRCA.

5.3.1 – The Board shall appoint a Commission for evaluating the student’s performance for degree transfer, composed of 3 (three) professors, and which must present conclusive opinion within the determined term.


5.3.2- The student will be considered in conditions to plead the change of degree from Master’s to Doctorate if he/she:

  1. a) Has obtained only grades A or B in the subjects studied in the Concentration area as well as in the Related Domain;
  2. b) Provide scientific production, by presenting at least three papers published or accepted for publication in national and/or international journals indexed in one of the bases:Sciello, ISI and PubMed;
  3. c) Present seminar on the results already obtained in his/hers Initial Dissertation or equivalent work, for acquisition of the Program Board and Evaluation Committee;

5.4- In exceptional cases, duly justified, the Program Board, through a favorable opinion of the advisor, may allow the extension of the deadline for obtaining the required degree, establishing a new term.

5.5- The conditions for providing Master or Doctorate subjects are as follows:

  1. a) Proof of student’s compliance with all regulatory requirements.
  2. b) Submission of the Graduating Student’s Transcript to the Postgraduate Council by the registrar’s office, and proof of delivery of 01 copy of the thesis, dissertation or equivalent work at the University Library.
  3. c) Proof of college tuition fees all paid and obligations with the UFMG Health Campus Library and University Library.

5.6- The Transcript, signed by the Program Coordinator, shall contain the following information relating to the student:

  1. a) Full name, parents, date and place of birth, nationality, previous academic degree and current address.
  2. b) Date of admission to the Program.
  3. c) Number of identity card and name of agency that issued in the case of a Brazilian student or foreigner with permanent residence, or passport number and place where it was issued, in the case of a foreign student without a permanent visa.
  4. d) List of subjects with their grades and scores, credits earned, years and semesters in which they were attended.
  5. e) Date of approval of the foreign language entry test(s) for Master’s and Doctorate programs.
  6. f) Date of the qualifying examination in the case of Doctoral programs.
  7. g) Date of approval of the Thesis or Dissertation.
  8. h) Name of the advisor and the other members of the Examining Committee of the Thesis or Dissertation.

5.7- In an exceptional circumstance, the Postgraduate Board may admit the Doctorate by direct defense of thesis, in the case of a candidate with a high scientific, cultural or professional qualification.

5.7.1- The Doctorate by direct defense of thesis shall comply with the provisions of Supplementary Resolution no. 01/93, of the UFMG Teaching, Research and Extension Council in section 10.3 and their subsections.


5.8- The Master or Doctorate certificate will be awarded by Postgraduate Deans and signed by the Dean, the Director of the Medical School, the Associate Dean of Postgraduate Studies and by the postgraduate student.

5.9- The Master and Doctorate diplomas will be registered with the UFMG Department of Registration and Educational Control (DRCA).

6 – Postgraduate Monitoring Program

6.1- The student regularly enrolled in the course, who is in exclusive dedication, and within the term of up to two academic periods in the case of masters, and up to four, in the case of doctoral candidates, may apply for the Postgraduate Monitor position, under the Resolution 01/93 of 08.08.93He or she must present a statement of the Program Board, after hearing the advisor, agreeing with this activity.

6.1.1- The monitor’s assignments are:

  1. a) Academic fees associated with a college subject, developed under the supervision of a professor.
  2. b) Fulfillment of 12 hours of weekly activities, being a maximum of 6 hours of class and in a single subject.
  3. c) Submit a report of activities to the Departmental Council at the end of the monitoring period and its extension, when applicable.

6.2- The Postgraduate Monitoring agreement can be renewed up to two periods, consecutive or not.

7 – General and Transitional Provisions

7.1- The Program Board is responsible for deciding on unforeseen situations in the Regulation, in accordance with the General Postgraduate Standards and Institutional Regulations of the UFMG.

7.2- The Boards shall lay down rules on the presentation format of the Thesis, Dissertation or equivalent work.

7.3- This Regulation shall be approved by the UFMG Postgraduate Council.Unless otherwise stated, it shall enter into force from the date of approval.