Acesso interno

Ciências Fonoaudiológicas


The courses in the Speech-Language and hearing Sciences Post-Graduation Program aim to discuss, investigate and raise questions regarding Human Communication functions, characterizing       moderators and mediators of human functional performance changes.

Curriculum was built considering the Program’s objectives and desirable innovative profile and is comprised by a set of courses coherent with the proposed concentration area and also integrated with the four Research Lines in the program which also guarantee uniformity between Master Degree (Msc) and Doctorate Degree (PhD).

SLHC-PPG curriculum offers 16 courses. A minimum of 24 credits is required for Msc level and a minimum of 42 credits are necessary for PhD level, as described below.

(observation: each credit values 15 hours course)

Masters Degree level:

– Minimum of 24 course credits distributed in two axes: (1) Specific axis – comprised with optional courses (8 credits) and (2) Common axis with obligatory courses (16 credits). Therefore, the Master Degree student is required to fulfill a minimum of 24 credits with the following Course options:

 Specific axis

  1. Scientific articles writing and analysis (2 credits)
  2. Health services management (2 credits)
  3. Evidence-based practices (2 credits)
  4. Special issues in Functional Health and Speech-Language and Hearing Pathology I (2 credits)
  5. Special issues in Functional Health and Speech-Language and Hearing Pathology II (3 credits)
  6. Special issues in Functional Health and Speech-Language and Hearing Pathology III (4 credits)

The optional courses “Special issues in Functional Health and Speech-Language and Hearing Pathology” with 2, 3 or 4 credits (30, 45 or 60 hours respectively) intend to allow the discussion of different themes and vary accordingly to developed research in the program.

Common axis:

  1. Teaching in higher education I (2 credits)
  2. Scientific Methodology (2 credits)
  3. Biostatistics principles (2 credits)
  4. Epidemiology principles (4 credits)
  5. Teaching Internship I (4 credits)
  6.  Functional Health research seminars I (2 credits)

PhD level:

Minimum of 42 course credits distributed in two axes: (1) Specific axis – comprised with optional courses (12 credits) and (2) Common axis with obligatory courses (30 credits). Curriculum structure allows to integrate 24 credits from Master Degree subjected to the SLHC-PGP approval.

The Course options for the PhD are as follows:      

Specific axis

  1. Scientific articles writing and analysis (2 credits)
  2. Health services management (2 credits)
  3. Evidence-based practices (2 credits)
  4. Special issues in Functional Health and Speech-Language and Hearing Pathology I (2 credits)
  5. Special issues in Functional Health and Speech-Language and Hearing Pathology II (3 credits)
  6. Special issues in Functional Health and Speech-Language and Hearing Pathology III (4 credits)

Common axis:

  1. Teaching in higher education I (2 credits)
  2. Scientific Methodology (2 credits)
  3. Biostatistics principles (2 credits)
  4. Epidemiology principles (4 credits)
  5. Teaching Internship I (4 credits)
  6. Functional Health research seminars I (2 credits)
  7. Biostatics Methods (2 credits)
  8. Teaching Internship II (8 credits)
  9. Functional Health research seminars II (2 credits)
  10. Teaching in higher education II (2 credits)

The obligatory course “Functional Health Research Seminars” aims to promote scientific updating for the students related to health actions in Human Communication functions, within the Functional Health National Policy (PNSF) of universality, integrality, visibility and sustainability.          

The “Teaching Internship” is a required course that allows the SLHC-PGP student to gather teaching experience under the supervision of a designated Professor from the program.  

The optional courses “Special issues in Functional Health and Speech-Language and Hearing Pathology”, with 2, 3 or 4 credits (30, 45 or 60 hours respectively) intend to allow the discussion of different themes and vary accordingly to developed research in the program.

Course credits undertook in other Institutions acknowledged by CAPES and Post-Graduation Programs from UFMG may be accepted after analysis and approval by the SLHC-PGP advisory board.