Acesso interno

Promoção de Saúde e Prevenção da Violência

General Information

The Professional Master’s Degree is a powerful tool for perfecting health-related practices, including the prevention of violence, as it promotes integration between the university, health services and members of society, offering theoretical and methodological knowledge to those involved, enabling them to systematically analyze the reality of their everyday practice and intervene accordingly: it connects work, learning and research. As a result, it incorporates the expertise acquired in the student’s practice into their learning process and production of knowledge. Furthermore, due to the program’s strong connection to these services, it expands the proposal beyond its stipulated limits, strategically augmenting the effects of the university and of these services.

The Program started in August 2011. It has thus far seen four classes conclude their courses, with another two underway. This multiprofessional and interdisciplinary program regularly offers 30 annual openings. It is linked to the School of Medicine’s Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, involving professors from different areas of knowledge, and is strongly linked to Public Health Policies, Education, Social Assistance, Urban Mobility, Labor and Environment. A single focus area named after the Program. Area of knowledge: Collective Health.